Tuesday, 20 August 2013

My Fears For Darren Young and why we may NEVER totally 'okay' gays or/and the tran community

Well, here we are again. The down from the high yesterday.
Person now which I'll go in to deeper details in the other blog, I'm closing in on being self employed and living the non conformist life style. This of course comes with huge costs and did advantages as well as its strengths. It comes with the territory of non conformity. Being an polyamorous straight self employed asperger's syndrome black brony, I've writing my own destiny, for now. It may last for a few years, it may last three great of my life. One thing is for sure, the way of life society expects me to live, I'm done with. And I'm so far happy with my decision.
Darren young, another young black man also happy with his decision to public announce he is gay has automatically made him my new hero.
The sudden rise of gay athletes is amazing and an sign of an bright future I am excited to be a part.
However, I found this morning and over the past few weeks that even though as person I do accept others I do often find myself trapped in automatic closed minded-ness.
Let's talk in 'rasstling' kayabe sense. Darren Young before his historic announcement was an HEEL, an wrestling bad guy so to speak. He comes out and turns almost instantly face. Admittedly I have an issue with this. Although I'm not sure why.
Two years ago CM PUNK then heel did an extremely honest shoot (monologue, if you will) about the state of the WWE and how it treats every other wrestler apart from its golden goose, former WWE champion, John Cena. CM Punk is quoted in saying he would like to believe 'the company would be better once (wwe chairman Vince McMann) is dead but then it be taken over by his stupid daughter and his son in law, (part time but once full time legend Triple H). He was automatically fired.
Later we found out it was a 'work' (working of an angle. A part of the story telling. Normally for an wrestling feud) but the statement in my mind has always been clear: speak out against the system
And the system will destroy you. Ask DMX or YouTube search his poem about 'The industry'. Also Google where DMX is now.
What Darren young did was amazing, no doubt. But my fear is somewhere, someone at titan towers... Doesn't like it. Maybe they don't like it to the point where Darren disappears off our screens for awhile. The wrestling industry is notoriously traditional in it's way of thinking or life. Th chairman Vince is well known for being bias against smaller fatter wrestlers in favour of Greek mythology like bodies. Sexuality in the past has rarely been mentioned although gay wrestlers in the past have been afraid to voice their beliefs. Until now.
Darren spoke about now being the right time. But why then off an airplane, no press conference and seemingly unscripted? An rebellious work? Doubtful.
I personally can't help but feel Russia 2014 winter Olympics plays a roll.
Darren is (I believe) the third sports athlete to come out this year. Jason Collins and Robbie Rogers are the others. There of course seems to be a lot of people not wanting the winter olympics to happen at all. Although I am not one of them. I personally would like to see this MOTIVATE the gay and trans athletes in to winning more and pushing themselves more to the limit than ever.
I have been deeply sadden by the aggression Russia has shown to the GBLT community. The the hight of my sadness being Anton Krasovsky, an respected Russia News Anchor coming out LIVE on TV and intermediately being fired. An career, gone. Because of his right to be free.
I, find myself running into bigots often. Getting hate mail about my views on gay and tran people, questioning my own sexuality. I tend to throw a small bit of resistance up, repeat that I am an straight male 'despite' being tran-friendly and then annoy the hate and block if need be.
Even as a brony, I often run into hateful people.

You would think that would be the point. Everyone coming together to fight a good fight for an good cause. But no. It's not cool to talk about ponies. Ever. Yet it's fine to thumbs up the actions of the idiots on Geordie/Jersey Shores and other trash TV.
God knows I try to be pony like but some people in the world make it extremely hard for me to stay so. Sadly I confess to counter trolling to trolling of my own. The trolls say one of my good friends have lips like 'an tranny' and how much they wanna fuck her (real smooth calling her an tranny, btw. Again, I support trans but I know what the implement was) I'd half say this is illness based but then again if I was ill I'd like to think I'd still do the same or intelligently counter.
My fear with Darren Young is the WWE catapult him to heights he may not be able to cope with. With all due respect to Darren, I don't see him as an upper card. I'm not sure he does, either. Him being happy I took as an general comment and being apart of the Prime Time Players stable for over 3 years the evidence would suggest that.
I hope WWE use Darren how he was treated before and not try to use his sexuality as an angle or an way to heighten his career if he is not comfortable in that situation.
Because at the end of the day if we CANNOT accept bronies, the future for GLBT community, racial, religious and people afraid to be themselves are probably not safe either. It's an fucking shame we live in the 21st century and we still have to fight for our right to be free to express ourselves the way we wish to.

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