Right off the bat? Happy birthday, Ruby.
It's been a tough time for the love I have for my daughter and I.
Due to 'relationship matters' with adults we haven't been able to hang out as much as I would like.
I would love for us to hang out with family and friends for weekend but it hasn't been possible. Mostly grown ups are to blame. Grown ups fucking suck. But on the flip side my hatred for teenage boys could reach fever pitch at any moment. Then again over the top holier than thou feminists could tempt me to start owning cats.
It's been a funny day going into my daughter's birthday. Family had a huge get together so I mainly hid in my room listening to mental health happy hour (a podcast I highly recommend) and exploring the Guys We Fucked podcast. Guys, This week I did my first ever podcast for my personal blog and I'm hoping it's not long until I do a podcast for this site. So for me the way to learn what I like and can do for others in a podcast depends on what podcasts I listen to and what you guys need in a podcast. The one thing I love about Happy Hour and so far GWF podcast is a similar sense of humour. A reason why I watch, subscribe and bum the fuck out of Watch Girls Play.
One: Humour and cussing. I think they mostly have similar humour and some beliefs that I do.
Two: I find them all attractive. Because I'm vain and visit all women family members, sister, mum, daughter. There are very few men in my life and I doubt I would accept them. Because most men are cunts. These are facts.
Three quickly is playing the games I don't have the balls to play but I need to go back a step. It's the reason why I'm writing this pitch dark at 5 in the morning.
Mankind, I am fucking ANGRY at you.
Listening to GWF and previous posts on here about war of the sexes it's easy to understand why there is such a thing as this war however neither side does anything to calm down the war and tonight... Well that was a super example. I just spend 20 minutes before bed watching properly twitch player Kaceytron and I was horrified at the abuse she was getting in game and in chat.
Now I'm not the type of twitch-er which watching hours on end. I'll watch here and there mainly female streamers. But from what I understand mods are in place, the chat is mostly respectful and friendly. So I'm not sure if this was Troll Thursday or mods were on a coffee break but someone clearly pissed off someone and I started watching slap bang in the middle of a steam voice chat fight. Let's say chat fight in future as it reminds me of cat fight and kind of continues the female linked theme of this post.
As I continue to tell you guys, banter I'm all for. I'm hoping even Happy Hour can back me up on this. Some mother fuckers in the world are too coddamn sensitive. They need Jesus. But the abuse and name calling I heard, maybe it's the father or the literal (only) about the man or even the I love most female non monogamous pervert in me just saw this abuse and it made my blood BOIL. I heard something about sexual acts: listen to me. E-fucking-nough with this men do it, they are awesome women do it they are sluts shit. For real. I'm cunting sick of it. Then again I feel this post should be the random yet fitting end to the Sexes War Trilogy which has hurt my brain for so long. The first two, yes. I'm aspie. I'm awkward and I have no idea how to talk to women. I have to play the Rocky soundtrack to go out and buy milk. I am fucking lonely. But this one? Yes. Of course I'd like to get into a lady's pants as well as her arms as a future result of this post but:
In fact no one should full stop.
I keep thinking of the time I when to a school in a working class town and I was walking with some male friends. Ahead of us was a lesbian school girl (which is a hot phrase I never thought I would type in a serious context) and my mates took it upon themselves to start throwing insults at this girl. I remember saying that everyone should be free to do and choose their own path in life or words to that effect. The girl turned around after I said this. I thought she was going to punch me but she actually offered me a chewing gum. We've been friends for over 20 years now. Actually she is now a he. But I will still support them. Always. Unless he starts supporting Manchester United. Only cunts support Manchester United. Trust me. I'm an arsenal fan.
And I'm pretty sure only cunts would throw sex based insults at women on the internet. Mainly teen aged boys. I don't believe there is any point of throwing insults at girl gamers. As men surely that's one of the things we look for in the ideal life/long term partner. Similar interests. Now I'm not saying Watch Girls Play, Kaceytron, Ssniperwolf shall be in my bedroom naked already beginning the orge because they couldn't wait for my cock but showing those women respect not just for gaming and being pretty female gamers but are they not human beings? I would love to know how many of these abusive men would be abusive in real life?
For my daughter's and my knuckles sake not many and less that she knows them and lesser that I see them. She is getting to an age where she is starting to learn about sex, boys and how it all 'works'. Gross.
But I don't want her to be let down by men. Like I let down her mum when I was young and stupid. Granted it wasn't anything life changing but I hurt her. And I'm sorry. Any men who tells a woman he will never hurt doesn't grasp the concept of time and clearly isn't breathing. We are imperfect humans. Of course we make mistakes. Only the brave ones apologies for those mistakes.
So if you are thinking I'm going to say sorry for those online male abusive behaviours, I'm not. What would be the point? Most trolls are teen boys. They are still get to become men. I just hope some of them grow up to say sorry and apology.
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