Monday, 30 June 2014

5 Lessons To LEARN From Depression (Guest Post)


I've already written an blog today... Let's see how long it takes to upload it.

Tomorrow I'm going to try edit size-able videos for my other blog but let's see how that goes.
Recently I'm getting fed up of my own style of writing. It's not that I don't enjoy it... It's just I'm fraustrated with how the shops are doing and I miss the freedom being free ranged self employed tagged on. But on the other hand, fuck it. I knew this would be a struggle from day one. Hell, before day one. God said 'let there be light' and all that shit. If I learned anything from leaving secondary school early, passing college on the third(?) time of asking and all those years at drama school and university, it's this.

Read a book.
Read books.
Read a goddamn bloodclaart book.
Read books, mother fucker. Read 'em.
Failing that, there's always a good blog or two to follow and read. (TMZ DOES NOT COUNT).

I've managed to ignore the lessons depression has been trying to teach me but my God am I paying for that now.
But like 12 plus years of being in an educational institute, you are not alone. There are professionals and professors to ask for help with tricky questions, colleagues to hang out and swap pokemon cards with and opposites of sex to get drunk with, have drunken sex with, sleep with and then when you both wake up try to fuck them again in the shower. Or maybe that last bit is just me.
However I consider depression the drama/art training some people disregard an made up lesson in life. Where has the rich kids fucked off to happiness/law school with the daddy's money and married at 21 (Cunts. Utter. Yippie. CUNTS).
So graduates from any school of life can read this brillant post from Lifehacker's Eric Ravenscraft and either use it as help or as a bit of an idiot sheet for understanding what some of us go through, every day.

The link... I'D CHECK DAT.

Five Lessons I Learned From Dealing with Depression

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Blog Posts Every Black Sheep Should Read Episode 1

I haven't written in a month or two. Then again I don't think I've have got hard coming up to a month, either.

I think either my meds or depression are the reasons for both. Having no desire to mastabute. No desire to do things I enjoy equals no desire to write these blogs.
Which sucks as I love writing. It's the artist in me that wants to create. Shit I'd create everyday if I could. I probably still do create everyday but... It's so hard. More so when you are easily destracted out of your vibe by a shit phone. My phone stopped playing music and now totally crashed ruining this introduction. So fuck it. I might as well ignore the smooth transition I planned in my mind (As it's been forgotten) and get into these blog posts.

One - 'The Give Up', The Actors Voice
                                          The Actor's Voice writer, Bonnie Gillespie

I am an actor. But I'm so much more than that. I have evolved into something that could be game changing. As mentioned my problem is focus, concentration and my illness. My Aspeger's I feel actually helps with creating work that normal people can't really begin to imagine or put together.
So it makes me so angry when people give up. Now I'm not a fan of the machine in the business... But I am an artist. I love my career. I watch, listen and read performing arts every day. In the hope I can find the answer to live the life I want but yet do the work I love.
Some people have just got IT. And not only does it get them work but it gets them more work. One thing I learned at drama school is hard work generates more work. However for some people that's not enough to put up with the trolls and the politics. It's not a super bad ending but I read this, related to it and wish everyone in this story luck with where ever they go next. Cliiiiiiiiick.  

'Why I Went To War' Lily Cade's blog NSFW

Ooooh dear God. I hope this is the last ever time I post an flame war blog post. Due to the irony differences we all have about all issues I fucking well doubt it.
Although I doubt I have to explain the reason why this blog is here and it's main protagonists.
I was looking for people who may fit into what this blog is about: people who do not fit in with every day social. Yet. Some will do but I for one ain't that bothered. Anyway I came across this tweet by trans queer porn star Chelsea Poe:

I thought her avatar was hella cute so I followed. Scrolling though her tweets and checking out and checking out her Tumblr to try find more cute pictures of her I found kind of kick off that RuPaul started. What that was I don't really care. I'm watching the football and I don't watch to go down that rabbit hole. More so if it's about trans people and their rights. Why people can't be free to do what they want anyway is beyond me. Or maybe that is the problem. Too much freedom. See?! This is fucking why I didn't want to open this box!!

 I have to be careful with this... I have an opinion on this... But in terms of gender roles, lesbians and/or transwomen I feel I'd be on egg shells whenever I mention where I stand. My humour is controversial and I just want everyone to be free to do what they want. But I'm sure others stand in the way (Of people doing what they want). Hell have no fury and all that.
 So that's the whole war. I think this is... Stop it, Evan... I'm not posting my 2 pence on this!
The war continues with Chelsea, her fans, Lily and her fans posting points for and against on tumblr but I'm bored of this.
However it's interesting how some rules are argued for and against. Apparently more to that than this as Lily posts on her blog...

If you have anything as interesting that we would all enjoy post it on ours or mention us on your google plus.