Friday, 7 February 2014

The 6 Top Songs To Cope or/and Explain Mental Illness (To People)

Depression and anxiety suck. If you have been following this blog for awhile you would realize this is something I personally have been struggling with for years. Even today getting out of bed is a struggle. I'm sat at my laptop hoping the earth will suck me into the ground and I know there are days where you feel similar if not the same.
Over this period I've found it hard to explain to people what kind of bullshit I have to put up with. And since music can alter moods and talk to or FOR you in my gloomy feelings I figure I would share my top tunes for coping, explaining or just to wallop in the darkness of these illnesses.
I also sometimes feel my asperger's is linked to these some of these songs. This is a general list and not to be seen as a countdown or up as in what songs I like the most, what dates, etc.

1.Idina Menzel - Let It Go

Frozen OST

This track and it's popularity seems to have picked up some steam in the past few weeks.
My feelings for why are: Didn't this get an Oscar nod? This soundtrack? No doubt it will be in the running for best animated film. And of course winter is coming to a close... *Dalek voice* THE SEASONS ARE REGENERATING!!  THE SEASONS ARE REGENERATING!!
The song itself reminds me of the days I liked musicals. Funnily enough the people that worked on this song have written for Avenue Q, The Book Of Mornon and an musical episode of South Park. I'm little surprised the team didn't work on Wicked as that's Miss Menzel's background but more on that later.
The song is basically what it says on the tin. An young woman with a curse/gift becomes queen, the people find out her curse/gift, go ape shit and chase her out of town. During this song she comes to realize her gift is precious (mmmmmyyyyyyy precioussssss... Don't lie. You WERE thinking it) and decides to say 'fuck it. This is my gift and I'm going to celebrate it.'

I know some of you will be upset I cursed but tough shit. I shoot from the hip and aim for the head. There's no filter between what I think, what I believe in and what I say. It's taken awhile to celebrate my curse/gift but it's here, it's NOT queer. DEAL WITH IT.
This song and what I wrote I highly recommend to add to your life. Don't hide things people don't understand. If you are 'fat and fabulous (I personally fucking hate that word, fabulous. Feels like I've lost man points just saying it), Celebrate that. If you are transgender, celebrate that. If you are a man and think you look hot in emo/goth make up... 
Listen. Don't hate the player. Hate the game. 

EMINEM - MONSTER (featuring Rihanna)

Marshall Matters LP 2 

You are AWESOME. Anyone who disagrees is a dickhead. 
Second time in 24 hours I've used that Top Boy reference and the second time I doubt anyone will get it.
Eminem is my favourite artist of all time. Because even those he's never admitted to having a mental illness, he seems to always write songs like he GETS what people go through. I'm eager to read an official self written book of his life and struggles.
This and 'Way I Am' perfectly shows off the point above in a pop style that crossed over *cheesy DJ voice* all the way to the number one spot here (The UK) and in the USA.